Testimonies of the book mormon

The lord jesus christ he joseph smith has translated the book, even that part which i have commanded him, and as your lord and your god liveth it is true. Join hundreds of instagrammers sharing testimony of the book of. Book of mormon, 1830, page 589 the joseph smith papers. Ive felt prompted for a few weeks now that i want to write a post about my testimony of the book of mormon. None of the eleven book of mormon witnesses ever signed their testimonies. A modernday apostle describes the unwavering faith churchs founders showed, even in the face of death, to remain true to their testimonies of the book of mormon.

Evaluating the book of mormon witnesses book of mormon central. Latterday saints believe that in order to know whether the book of mormon is a true account and is inspired by god, one must read it, ponder its message, and pray sincerely to ask whether it is true. Whether or not you believe the book of mormon to be a book of scripture, or one of the greatest frauds ever perpetrated on the american people, you cannot deny that this book is an excellent resource for teaching the stories of the book of mormon. Each of these specific menoliver cowdery, martin harris, and david whitmersacrificed much to help with the translation and publication of the book of mormon, and its likely this is a significant part of why they were chosen as witnesses.

This easytoread book clearly explains the meaning of the temple ordinances in your life. The book of mormon makes the solemn declaration that jesus is the christ our savior. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of god. Top 40 inspirational book of mormon scriptures the lifey app. Grant palmer aptly writes, when a person experiences the spirit at a protestant revival meeting or when reading the book of mormon, it is not my belief that the powerful feelings prove the truthfulness of the doctrines heard, taught, or read. My testimony of the book of mormon, scholarly and personal. We see that its talking about the testimony of the three witnesses. From a geographical standpoint, some lds scholars believe mesoamerica to be the setting of the book of mormon. Take some time to read about the book of mormon, and pick 10 scriptures that help you gain a stronger testimony of the truthfulness and importance of it. All the stories together here have helped many people leave mormonism. The gospel is true, the bishop is true, the book of mormon is true, and on and on. A collection of testimonies on the book of mormon by lds church presidents from joseph smith to spencer w. Should you pray and ask if its true or maybe you already prayed and didnt get an answer.

I remember waking up very earlier as a family to read from its pages. Young readers arent interested in carrying books around, small kids dont listen to scripture lessons, and adults spend the rest of book of mormon stories. An examination of the mormon spirit testifying of falsehoods can be found in elder paul dunn. Testimonies of the book of mormon witnesses book of mormon. While still respecting the temples sacred nature, this book helps. Testimonies of the book of mormon the savior and the prophets testify about the most correct book. The book of mormon bom is an abbreviated account of the inhabitants of the ancient americas from 2200 bc to 421 ad. Regarding this book, joseph smith said, the book of mormon is the most correct of any book on this earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to god by abiding by its precepts than by any other book.

The testimony of the eight witnesses was first published at the end of the 1830 edition of the book of mormon and has been printed in nearly every edition since, although most subsequent editions moved the statement to the front of the book and included minor grammatical corrections. The mormon testimony mormons claim that a personal feeling, a burning in the bosom, which is interpreted to be a manifestation of the holy ghost, is the only evidence needed to prove that the religion is true. Gunnell goes on to quote a letter written in 1844 by phineas young to brigham young, martin harris is a firm believer in shakerism, says his testimony is greater than it was of the book of mormon martin harris witness and benefactor to the book of mormon, wayne c. Some years later he left the church over historical issues of the church that he felt were too serious to ignore. The book of mormon testifies of jesuss ministry in the americas following his resurrection. Joseph smith referred to the book of mormon as the keystone of our religion. As the director of the church history library, where we hold the churchs official archival. A source of power and another testament of jesus christ, the book of mormon is described in its introduction as a volume of holy scripture. This is a childrens book, so a child will be the one doing the reading in the book of mormon videos. The testimonies of the three and eight witnesses were published in the first edition of the book of mormon and every edition since. New videos capture 7 book of mormon testimonies by greyson gurley jan. Why we left personal accounts of leaving mormonism. The book of mormon, like the bible, testifies of jesus christ, his atoning sacrifice, and his.

December 30 january 5 introductory pages of the book of mormon this printable kit for all ages will help you study and teach the introductory pages to the book of mormon. An ongoing series of articles on some common and recurring weak arguments that christians make against mormonism. Leaving the waters of the mediterranean sea on the north coast of sicily about 80 kilometers east of palermo, one can make his way up the steep slopes of the madoni mountain range and eventually reach several small sicilian villages, typically situated on the crests of the highest peaks. Remember that all three denied the mormon faith at one point, and one never came back to the mormon church going to his grave denying his testimony, yet mormons still use his testimony for the book of mormon. For your benefit, every chapter of book of mormon stories is being made into a video. The very existence of the book of mormon is a testimony that god continues to communicate with his children. All book of mormon prophets taught more or less mosiah. As editor of the book of mormon critical text project and the book of mormon. I discovered the book of mormon while doing research on muslims at my high school. Jan 09, 2016 the very existence of the book of mormon is a testimony that god continues to communicate with his children. The hearsay accounts show that ones faith in the book of mormon witnesses or lack thereof is based not simply on hearing the witnesses testimonies but on how one chooses to receive and understand their testimonies. On the other hand, if its origin is godgiven, then joseph smith was a prophet, and if he was a prophet, then the church of jesus christ of latterday saints is true. One of the girls will have their picture on the cover of the magazine read below for photo requirements and a handful of others will also have their photos and testimonies published within the article.

Nor does the spirit, which testifies of the book of mormon, confirm the historical reality of the book. Dunn falsely claimed he was the sole survivor among 11 infantrymen in a 100yard race against death. Assuming muslims had some affiliation with mormon specified on that strange skyblue edition of the book of mormon, i removed it from the shelf and read it. I want to bear testimony to you that i know that the book of mormon is true. The church pushes people to say they know the church is true. Book of mormon testimonies in this collection of stories, women share their experiences with and testimonies of the book of mormon. The book of mormon is changing the lives of people all. I have a testimony of the book of mormon, that it is the word of god. Elder holland then declared his own testimony of the book of mormon, but not before asking a penetrating question to those who question the book s divinity. I want it absolutely clear when i stand before the judgment bar of god that i declared to the world that the book of mormon is true. We ask that all comments be respectful and nonjudgmental of any womans choices or beliefs. Its also talking about this workthe book, the book of mormon.

The mormon testimony mormons claim that a personal feeling, a burning in the bosom, which is interpreted to be a manifestation of the holy ghost, is the only evidence needed to. The book of mormon is a compilation of several books written by ancient prophets. David whitmers final testimony of the book of mormon. It wasnt an overwhelming feeling or anything it was just a peaceful feeling. I was on my way to fort leonard wood, missouri to attend basic combat training bct as part of my utah army national guard utarng obligation. This brand new exmormon christian wishes to remain anonymous for the sake of privacy for his family who are still very active in the church. Perfect for teachers, speakers, and disciples alike, miracles of the book of mormon will illuminate the lords love in a whole new way and help you draw closer to the savior. Any who read and study this book will have a deeper and broader understanding of miracles in the book of mormon. His story is an amazing picture of how god redeems us from sin and ourselves even when were at our lowest point in life. Jun 25, 2007 like many of you, i started gaining my testimony of the book of mormon at a very young age. Have you ever wondered about your testimony of the book of mormon. The question of the book of mormon witnesses is extremely significant.

The savior referred to the book of mormon as his new covenant with the house of israel. Testimonies of the book of mormon book of mormon central. Im grateful for the teachings in the book of mormon. The title page the introduction the testimonies of the three and eight witnesses the testimony of the prophet joseph smith with this kit you andor your children will learn all about the purpose and power. My testimony of the book of mormon, scholarly and personal as editor of the book of mormon critical text project and the book of mormon. The testimonies of those witnesses of the book of mormon in this book can burn in our hearts, strengthen our faith and fortify our minds and we can know for ourselves that their words are true.

Book of mormon stories by the church of jesus christ of. Book of mormon stories with a new way to feast on the scriptures because of the advancement of technology, many people have ignored the beauty of printed texts, hard bounds, and hundreds of pages. Prophets and apostles talk about the book of mormon. We will continue to collect and publish testimonies through the remainder of 2020. The most significant witnesses are the three witnesses and the eight witnesses, all of whom allowed their names to be used on two separate statements included with the book of mormon. The book of mormon is a convincing witness for jesus christ because its writers freely shared their personal testimonies of him and communicated their individual feelings and thoughts about his attributes and functions. I took my time rereadinglistening to this standard work of the latterday saints lds faith. As a result, if the book of mormon can be proved to be manmade, then the church is manmade.

Isnt it interesting that the general conference odyssey is just now reading through those powerful talks given by president ezra taft benson who focused so much on this great book of scripture. Ten testimonies of jesus christ from the book of mormon. Selected testimonies of the book of mormon mormonism. So their testimony, the book itselfand the book will show the power of god and his word. Togather saints testimony of the book of mormon facebook. The book of mormon is a gift from god to all humankind, and he has commanded his people that they should persuade all men to repentance. As a mormon, i was proud of my heritage as a lamanite descendant of book of mormon people. I do want you all to know for sure i have that testimony, and not hide it, so i will do my best to share it with you in writing. I bear witness to my family, my loved ones, my posterity, and the world that the book of mormon is true and is indeed the word of god and that joseph smith was the person god chose to restore the true gospel to the earth, in this last of dispensations, in preparation for the second coming of the savior. My testimony of the book of mormon endeavor began within a week of graduating from spanish fork high school. Try reading the book of mormon because you want to not because you have to. Their written testimonies are included herewith as the testimony of three witnesses and the testimony of eight witnesses.

Book of mormon testimonies liahona, oct 1984, 10 the savior and the prophets testify about the most correct book. The book of mormon is the testament of the new world, and they go hand in hand in testimony of the lord jesus christ. In this collection of stories, women share their experiences with and testimonies of the book of mormon. Testimony of the book of mormon bookmark little lds ideas. Once we have a foundational testimony of the book of mormon, then. Believers in the book of mormon heard the witnesses declare that the plates were real and that the book of mormon was true. The savior and the prophets testify about the most correct book. We invite all men everywhere to read the book of mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message it contains, and then to ask god, the eternal.

Book of mormon witnesses all later denied its truthfulness. I came to realize that the idea of one having a testimony of the truthfulness of the church was a totally deceitful concept. I felt prompted to share my testimony of the book of mormon with you. Hopefully the following firsthand accounts of how different people gained their testimonies can help. The solemn testimony of the three witnesses has appeared in every edition of the book of mormon since 1830. As one of a thousand elements of my own testimony of the divinity of the book of mormon, i.

I want to share my testimony of the book of mormon with you. The book of mormon witnesses are a group of contemporaries of joseph smith who claimed to have seen the golden plates from which smith translated the book of mormon. I bear testimony that joseph smith was raised up by almighty god as a prophet in the last dispensation and fullness of times. These testimonies should not be rejected out of hand, but they cannot stand alone, independent of the greater historical context of mormonism and the actual content of the book of mormon. It was on saturday, january 18th that our bishop called late and asked me to bear my testimony of the book of mormon the next morning in sacrament meeting along with others. I remember the spirit i felt as a kid every time we read from it. The book of mormon holds a special place in my heart. The earliest text yale university press, 2009, my task has been to recover the original englishlanguage text of the book of mormon to the extent scholarly and academic analysis will allow. Testimonies of the book of mormon witnesses deseret book.

While there are many objective reasons to reject the book of mormon1 and joseph smiths claims to prophethood,2 most mormon s would argue that they have a testimony directly from the holy spirit of god that supersedes any appeal to logic, reason, historical evidence, or even scripture. One of my favorite testimonies of the book of mormon came from elder jeffrey r. I had every intention of uniting myself to that religion in some form. In midaugust of 1969, i humbly knelt in the shadows behind my barracks and prayed. Joseph smith was the conduit to bring this book to light, after it was hidden for many years. Now weve got to back in the sentence to see what we are talking about. Testimony of the book of mormon i created some blank bookmarks for you to print out and use as well. Nov 10, 2011 prophets and apostles talk about the book of mormon. The testimonies of the book of mormon witnesses religious. That testimony supposedly will convince you beyond doubt that the book of mormon is exactly what they claim it to be. In fact, the book of mormon vigorously defends the importance and truthfulness of the bible.

The sharing of testimony is confirmed in our hearts as the spirit bears witness of truth. After departing mormonism, he later declared, if you believe my testimony to the book of mormon. But as a young adult, i fell away because i was unable to live up to all of the churchs standards. By providing the testimonies of witnesses and including them at the end of the book of mormon, joseph smith was following not only the ancient pattern called for by nephi, but also the guidance and inspiration of the lord. Another testament of jesus christ is to convey to the modern world powerful testimonies of the divine mission and essential attributes of jesus christ, to the convincing of the jew and gentile that jesus is the christ, the eternal god title page. Hopefully the following firsthand accounts of how different people gained their testimonies can help provide insights and inspiration for your own journey of faith. Watching book of mormon videos is an easy way for your child to learn the stories of the book of mormon. We realized that one of the remarkable contributions of the book of mormon is its seamless perfectly consistent view of divinity.

Testimonies of the book of mormon the church of jesus christ of. Book of mormon testimonies the church of jesus christ of latterday. Keep in mind that the missionaries want you to have a feeling about the book of mormon. Book of mormon testimonies have you ever wondered about. The book of mormon cannot, and does not replace the bible. The fact that both of the witnesses testimonies were added at the end of the original book of mormon manuscript as well as the printers copy would also explain why they appear on the last two pages of the first edition of the book of mormon, published in 1830. Mar 12, 2018 former mission president and ysa bishop lynn mcmurray explains how the book of mormon has been the knot at the end of his faith rope when his testimony has waivered. See mrms book of mormon link page to explore some of these related issues.

Testimonies of the book of mormon other prophets have testified simply of the divinity of the book of mormon. Verstehen sie ihre stiftung come to the temple pommes this book is written by cory jensen and published by cedar fort, inc. Though his fantastic stories felt good, many were later proven to be fabrications. Testimonies in stone is a product derived from many years of lived experiences, study and inspiration. The book of mormon is the earliest of the unique writings of the latterday saint movement, the denominations of which typically regard the text primarily as scripture, and secondarily as a historical record of gods dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the americas. Introductory lesson the book of mormon the red headed.

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